Updates – Climate Caravan

The Climate Caravan organized by WWF and supported by RoGBC will stop tomorrow morning in Bucharest. This Friday and Saturday, from 10:00 am to 6 pm, you can visit the Caravan in Herastrau Park, at the entrance from Charles de Gaulle. The WWF team was really pleased with the Constanta event and is looking forward for the rest of the tour.

Anca and I will be there on Friday, while for Saturday  – Brandon (Epstein) volunteered. If interested, don’t hesitate to drop by :).

As RoGBC marketing materials, we prepared 2 RoGBC banners and 3500 brochures on Saving Money by Building Green (Economisiti bani construind verde). Please see below a scanned version of the brochure [it’s a bit darker than the original].

Source: Romania Green Building Council

Brochure - inside

Brochure – inside

Brochure - outside

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